Thursday, November 27, 2008

Handsome Boy

Olive-backed Sunbird
Our lovely pair resident.

The Sunbird is usually confused with the American Hummingbirds which are found only in the Americas. The Hummers are more colorful and very energetic and are also smaller in size.

The Sunbirds are listed as the 'Old-World' species. They are nectar and insect feeders. When we moved to Klang almost 6 years ago, the first pair started a family on one of our hanging orchid
pot which was growing profusely with Dendrobium anosmum, a Malaysian species.
As for today, a new family is being developed especially feeding from our very own DIY nectar feeder. Their highly pitched tweeting greets us every morning and is getting more daring by coming closer to us humans at a very close eye-level.

This picture was taken without a zoom lens and was only four feet away!
Handsome fella!

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