After spending RM10million and 30 months of work, we got another legal court case!
Is this forsaken place now opened, closed or what?
Paya means"swamp" and Indah means "breathtaking"!
Just what is so 'breathtaking' about this stink?
Just look at last weeks news reports in BERNAMA & The SUN
These are new reports. Not old one we are so used to keep hearing.
This is one of the MOST disgusting thing that can happen and made by people on the top. Come on, this 'swamp' is just some 13,100 hectares of an area which was formerly a tin mining zone. Just by not doing anything, it can already attract the birds.
By pumping more money into it again, adding 2 crocodiles and two 'pigs',would not help. Please lah, just stop it.
Just sack all the stoopid clowns running it.Also please stop all the so called advertisements listing this place as a tourist attraction! It is also damn shameful! Just Google search the name itself. Tak Malu ka?
"Let me say something to you...(Ramon of Happy Feet)" go and buy eggs of some old birds called Pterodactyl and the Dodo. Once they are hatched, sure can make money wan!!!!!!! Pterodactyl (above) and the Dodo (below) Sorry yah, in English. No Bahasa Melayu names yet. This is also science subject.
This project alone, is so shameful.
Another one is just one kilometre away. It is called...."P.U.T.R.A.W.O.O.D". Cyberjaya's version of Hollywood & Bollywood, which are now attracting illegal immigrants, ants, flies, rats and snakes. This large complex supposedly to become Malaysia's answer to "Big-Time-Film Making" is rusting & rotting away! Another court case I presume?
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