Amber what?
Went up to Genting Highlands for some photo shoot and found that a friend and his family was up there too. They were staying at the Amber Court. Regretably, my gullible friend was into this "Time Sharing... thinggy" and this is the sharing resort. Arrived at the place and was SHOCKED !!!
Go do a quick search in Google and you are going to be 'pengsan' too by the claim that this is a FOUR star resort (of the weirdest kind!). Also just look at ALL da claims made by those tour promoters and see their photos!!!!
A FOUR STAR resort? Whose Star? Malaysian Standard? Malaysia Boleh!!!!!
Nah! We did not go in. We were really frightened that this builing would collapse on us. For honesty sake, please stop promoting this so called "resort" until maintenence is done. We did visit this building almost 8 years ago and also saw some other buildings totally abandoned. One is called "Billion" something!!! Yeah "B" is for Billion!
On the way out, we were stopped by a 'burly foreign sounding/ looking' guard. He proudly showed us a snake, yes it was a live frigging SNAKE!!!!!!! He asked us to take a picture of the snake. Maybe for security purposes I supposed, since the guard outpost on the main entrance is also abandoned!
Looks like a very beautiful Cave Racer to me:)
The amber court is absolutely creepy.
I wonder who would really want to stay in there?
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for info.
Isn't this snake also an exotic pet and seen at those pet shops?
Is the bite poisonous?
Thanks again
Cheers and Regards
Yup YC,
We felt so creepy that we did not even enter the building! Wait till you key in at Google search for "Amber Court Genting Highlands" and see so much promotions to stay at that place especially from the Gormen's Tourism website! Imagine paying for RM450 per unit/per day?
What a joke!
Cheers and Regards
Donald G.H Tan
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