So How Now?
Now that Kunning is back with the owner, supposedly one or two or even three dogs are found, so what's next? The important fact is that more than 400 domesticated pets were killed by this action and someone must be hauled up and punished.
Only less than 10% of the dogs were saved and half of those saved may not make it. Have we really achieved anything great?
There were elements of law breaking kidnap, drama of the finest kind even with accusation
of murder, death threats and politics, so what's next?
This 'ORG' is supposedly, the only organisation here in Malaysia was set to prevent Cruelty to animals and to PROTECT all living animals in the laws which is enshrined in our Malaysian Constitution. We would expect that they, the beneficiary of many Corporation's donations, do just that. But did they?
The recent action of City Hall's infamous killing of dogs by yanking their throats with so much cruelty were even shown on national TV. They denied it but if my eyes fooled me, I would have thought that dead dogs don't move! In fact 'dead' anything doesn't move!
By the way, these strays were already in their confines and pens. Do they have to be treated in this inhumane way? Come on, we are humans. We posses a thinking brain which is supposed to be smarter than animals. But are we? Animals do not kill each other just to rob them. Humans do.
I may now be thinking that maybe, just maybe, that spaying and neutering 'idiotic' humans may be the right thing to do. We are breeding faster than flies!
Yesterdays newspaper's report that now we have problems with elephants and monkeys. There are already talks of them being a 'nuisance' and may have to spay and neuter them. Just think.
It is we humans that encroaches into their territories and now we call 'them' a problem!
Just where do these animals go if we keep clearing land just to accomodate those "do-not-want-to-go-back-home" foreign labourers especially illegals?
Ok, so Kuning is back. He can only do that much. For nine days after he was 'grabbed mistakenly' more dogs died in Hell's Island. How much dogs are still alive? Your guess is as good as mine. This 'Mystery' should not have happened. Did this ORG did the grab?
So why all the hoo-haa about attempted murder, raid, threats, sandiwara, drama-minggu-ini?
Living with 14 cats and dogs in a cabin is definitely not hygenic and talk about working with an outfit saving animals is very poor PR! Ever hear about Leptosporasis? Distemper?Parvovirus?Rabbies? (...
spelling unchecked!...)Tak Malu!
CRABS The Malay word for that is ketam.
Pulau Ketam or crab island used to be a sleepy idlylic fishing village. Now it is a cursed place. The Village of the Damned". Their stupid action caused the death of more than 400 pet dogs.
This un-educated move to chuck away the poor strays into Pulau Selat Kering and Pulau Pintu Gedung miles away from their homes are NOT actual islands. Just because it is called 'pulau' it is a tidal swamp which meant 'Sure Death' even for the thoughest human.
These cluster of salt water swamps are breeding grounds for vast numbers of marine life such as fishes, muddy crabs, clams, cockles, mangrove snails and prawns. thus sprouting numbers of kelongs (aquatic fish farms). This is the main income of this village.
Let us teach them a lesson that there are rules and laws to follow. No one is above the law. The public is very pissed off. It was understood that they still defend their right to do what they did. Paws pointing is now an 'in' thing. The next was 'oops!'
I will BOYCOT going to the island for visits. I will NOT buy, eat, promote whatever produce that come from that village. I now plea to all dogs and animal lovers to join me in this boycot. Stop buying and consuming products from Pulau Ketam such as seafood like this which is served in Seafood and Steamboat restaurants:-
Razor Clams/(Choke Than /Teik Than/Siput Buluh)
Cockles/(See Hum/Kerang)
Mangrove Snails/(Balitung/Lor/ChutChut)
Live fishes are usually all of the same sizes and weight, are cultured, kept alive and displayed in salt water tanks at all seafood restaurants in and around Klang valley.
The common ones are:-
Red Snappers/(Ang Choe/Hoong Choe/Ikan Merah)
Groupers/(Sack Pan/Kerapu)
Pompano/(Golden Pomfret/Kum Chong/Bawal Emas)
Barramundi/Sea Perch/(Siakap)

Of course, not forgetting their famous Pulau Ketam Fish Balls!

...and their famous Fish Crackers/(Kerupuk/Har Paeng/Hae Piah)

...and most importantly, the Prawns.......

....and da CRABS!

Just imagine this....all the seafood ate up the dead bodies of our beloved defenseless Swamp Dogs who died a horrible death even without being given a fighting chance to stay alive.
JUST LOOK AT THIS FOR THE LAST TIME! May they rest in Peace especially you, 'dear Salvation.......'
Malaysia Boleh!
(Pictures courtesy of TV Smith and Google images)